Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Personal Injury Compensation - Burns

After a burn you can be left with severe scarring and depending on which part of the body has been burnt this can crush you confidence and leave you not only physically but also mentally scarred for life.

If you were burnt in an accident that wasn't you fault then you could be eligible to claim compensation. If you were burnt in an accident at work then you can claim compensation against your employer.
Burn claims can also be made for chemical burns such as sofa burns and chemical burns that you have suffered at work.

Claiming against your employer is legal and it doesn't mean you will lose your job. Making a burn injury claim against your employer can make sure that other people in the future are provided with the necessary equipment to keep them safe from burn injuries.
If you have been burned due to the fault of a third party then you may be able to claim compensation for the physical and mental stress you endure.

Burns can be a very painful injury to suffer - and can be one of the most permanent, because of physical disfigurement, scarring or amputation. Burn victims may have to live with reminders of their injury for the rest of their life; injuries which might not just be physical but can also be emotional and psychological too.

Our Accident Claims Helpline will be with you every step of the way to help you get the maximum compensation you deserve.

As well as the physical implications, burns can cause distress and can result in you having to spend time off work in some cases you could even lose your job.
Making a claim for compensation could help you gain money to help get your life back on track. With the money you are awarded as compensation; you could pay for medical attention and also relieve the financial strain you are facing as a result of taking time off work.

Our Accident Claims Helpline is an independent organisation that aims to assist you with your personal injury claim and help get you the compensation that you deserve so, before you make that claim Contact Us Here and see our Claims Helpline for some free professional advice.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Travel Insurance - Don't Leave Home Without It

Imagine, after climbing a rather steep mountain in a remote area, that you fall and break both your arms. If the accident happened in a third-world country you were visiting, the whole ordeal just got much more complicated. Travel insurance may have been the last thing on your mind until your fall.
Just to reach medical help, could require two days of walking followed by additional driving time. On reaching the medical center you may then have to pay a teenager to fetch ethnic food for nourishment and painkillers from neighborhood kiosks. Many hospitals in third-world countries often do not supply these items for their patients.

If your injury required an operation, it would be a huge leap of faith to trust that sterile procedures were used or that the anesthesia would be sufficient. Your total hospital bill could be as little as $100 cash for having both of your arms set and put into casts. Your next need would be finding a flight to your country and negotiating a seat on the plane.

If you had insurance, you would probably be covered for around four surgeries as well as physical therapy for up to six months. If you had not purchased insurance, these expenses would not be covered. Insurance is not always something that travelers think of, but this becomes even more important when you will be traveling to an exotic location.

Some health insurers and travel agencies offer travel insurance; some of these policies offer trip cancellation coverage along with the medical insurance. Rates are often set fee based on each $100 of coverage, but you may find the policies can be widely varied.

Most people who buy travel insurance are elderly people who often worry about canceling a trip because of illness or worried they will require care abroad for an existing health problem. Although some insurers do, Medicare does not cover care overseas. Most senior citizens rely on Medicare as their primary source of health care coverage.

Tourists are often required to pay for hospital costs via cash, credit card or traveler's cheque. If you need nothing more than a few stitches, this may be a fine method of payment. On the other hand, if you are in need of an emergency room, having travelers health care insurance could save you a lot of trouble.
When you have travel insurance, the party insuring you will compensate you if death or illness causes the cancellation of your trip. This cost reimbursement covers incidents related to yourself or that of a relative. The policy also provides for the unlikely possibility of the vacation charter company going out of business.

Besides travel insurance, it's vital to take in to consideration a variety of health care issues before you decide to do any traveling abroad. Depending on your travel destination, you could need to obtain shots or vaccinations from a travel clinic at a local hospital. It would also be a wise idea to contact your own health plan provider to make sure you get instruction in writing for handling any kind of medical situation overseas.
Pack with your health in mind and include a first aid kit along with bandages, a thermometer and an antibacterial ointment. Estimate how many prescription pills to take along, and then double it as a precaution. It is handy to have prescription slips in Latin and with generic names.

Your credit card may provide some protection for you, aside from travel insurance. Paying with American Express, for instance, provides some coverage for the following: lost baggage, roadside assistance, rental car damage, some injuries, and in some cases coverage for death is included. Card holders can also get coverage for medical expenses, missing a flight, emergency evacuations and other circumstances for an additional fee.

The trauma and recovery time from many unexpected events can be minimized by good planning. Insurance is a contract; make sure you read the fine print and understand what is and isn't covered. Travel insurance is there to protect but make sure details are checked.
As a person looking for travel insurance direct you should visit that site.You can get the best travel insurance cover information by visiting this website.


Pay As You Go Car Insurance

Pay as you go car insurance is a car insurance that is offered by Progressive Casualty Insurance Company. The car insurance program is available in 13 states in the United States. Policy holders are given a kind of tracking device, which they can plug into their cars. The tracking device will record the mileage of the vehicle. In addition, it will record the driving habits of the drivers such as breaking suddenly, speeding on the highway and etc.
The device acts just like a global positioning system and is able to detect the location of the car. Many people feel that the GPS system intrudes their privacy. However, if you want to save money, you should sign up for the program. The record is used to determine the rate of the auto insurance premium. Because it can track your car, you are able to control the premium rate. The ability to control the premium rate allows you to lower the overall insurance cost.
The insurance company may charge a different rate for day or nighttime driving. You have to check with the company to find out the rate. Normally, people who drive in the day time will be charged with a higher rate. This is because daytime driving has a high accident risk. Driving at the nighttime can help you to lower the car insurance premium rate and save money.
With pay as you go car insurance, you get a 10% discount for joining the program. If your car consistently has low mileage for one year, you will get a discount of up to 25%. Pay as you go insurance is suitable for people who own multiple cars. The requirement to maintain a low mileage can help you to reduce the petrol expenses significantly. Instead of driving to the nearby destination, you will choose other traveling methods such as walking or cycling. You can also contribute to reduce the air pollution caused by the emission of harmful carbon dioxide from the vehicles. The pay as you go car insurance can help young drivers aged in between 16 - 25 to get a lower premium. Young drivers are often charged with a high premium rates due to their higher risk level.
If you are struggling to pay your premium, you should consider pay as you go car insurance. It helps to make insurance affordable. Before signing up for the program, you should perform price comparison and compare the price between different companies.

Do you sparingly use your car these days? Why pay lots more, when all you need is a pay as u go car insurance scheme? For where to get pay as you go car insurance quotes, please visit www.ukhomemortage.co.cc

Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Pay-As-You-Go-Car-Insurance&id=4906945

Sunday, August 29, 2010

5 things that kill home insurance

We've all heard of people who can't get insurance because of their age or their health. Here are conditions that could make it hard to buy coverage for your home.
By Peter Lewis
MSN Money
Insurance broker Doug Akiyoshi once walked into a backyard in Seattle to take some pictures of a potential client's house.
"Suddenly, this dog appeared out of nowhere," he said. "It was a Lab, and it was in attack mode. And I climbed that wall as fast as you can imagine."
Akiyoshi, based in Mercer Island, Wash., said he later phoned the owners and told them: "You know, you've got a problem here. Does that dog have a biting habit?"

"And they said, 'Well, that was one reason why we got dropped by our other carrier,'" Akiyoshi recounted.
He informed them that the dog was why he, too, would be declining coverage.

Homeowners often learn the hard way that standard insurance policies don't cover natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. But less dramatic -- and less well-known -- problems can put even a standard policy out of reach.

Dog bites, for example, account for one-third of homeowners' liability claims, costing insurers $387 million in 2008. As a result, agencies have all but blacklisted homeowners with pit bulls, Rottweilers or other dogs included on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's list of deadly breeds. But a dog of any breed with a history of biting -- such as the dog belonging to Akiyoshi's would-be clients -- is likely to send insurers running.

Knob and tube? Time to rewire

Knob-and-tube wiring was the main method of electrical wiring from the 1880s through the 1930s, lasting even into the 1950s. Back then, a single outlet per room was common, and the average household's few appliances didn't collectively suck much power.

What concerns insurers is the strain that today's power-hungry appliances place on older wiring. Knob-and-tube wiring typically doesn't have a ground, and you're not supposed to use modern three-hole outlets unless the ground is functional.

Fuse boxes, which often accompanied older wiring, pose another problem. As a safety feature, the fuses have thin slivers of metal designed to "blow" when too much electricity courses through them, shutting off power. But homeowners occasionally try to beat the system and keep the electricity flowing by sticking pennies, which are much thicker, into the fuse sockets. Doing so makes the wiring inside a house's walls hot -- so hot that the house could catch fire.
Good luck convincing an insurance agent that you would never try this.
Some regular carriers will cover you without making you tear out all your knob-and-tube wiring. They can live with it running between a wall switch and overhead lights, assuming you've otherwise rewired with grounded outlets for power-hungry appliances such as microwave ovens, TVs and hair dryers.
The bad news: Paying for those upgrades, plus a new circuit breaker, costs thousands of dollars. So "affordable" insurance doesn't necessarily come cheap.

Bottom line: Most carriers consider extensive knob-and-tube wiring a fire hazard and won't insure a house that has it.

Auto Insurance Center

After a car accident, if you have made a claim with the negligent driver’s insurance company for either property damage to your vehicle, bodily injury, or both, at some point, after providing the adjuster with all of the requested documentation, you will need to negotiate a settlement of your claim. Often, the adjuster will be the one to make the first move and offer you a settlement amount. If you have a definite opinion on the value of your claim, however, you don’t have to wait for his or her offer. You can write a demand letter with the figure you believe your claim is worth. (See Settling Your Car Insurance Claim: How to Write a Demand Letter.) The adjuster will respond in due course with a counter-offer. If you come to an agreement on a figure—great! It’s settled. (See The Initial Steps in Settling Your Car Insurance Claim.)

Suppose, however, that the adjuster makes an offer much lower than you counted on. (See When the Adjuster’s Offer is Too Low.) Note that adjusters have a settlement range and will typically begin at the lowest figure. Their job is to settle the claim for the least possible amount of money. You may venture into back-and-forth negotiations for a while, but no matter how long you have been negotiating, when he gets to the top of his range, there will be no further offers. (See Settling Your Car Insurance Claim: How Long Should It Take.) What happens if you reach an impasse? (See Negotiating Your Car Insurance Settlement.)

Here are some options to bring your claim closer to settlement, even if you have reached an impasse:
  • Seek advice from an car accident lawyer to determine if the settlement amount you have in mind is a reasonable amount based on the facts and documentation.
  • If you want to continue negotiating on your own without an attorney, write a letter to the insurance company to support the value you have placed on your claim. You may want to include any additional documentation and/or information not previously provided.
  • Go up the chain of command and speak to the adjuster’s supervisor or manager. Adjusters get their dollar authority to settle from their higher-ups and may not have convinced them the claim is worth more than what is being offered. Perhaps you can convince them.
  • Request alternative dispute resolution (mediation or arbitration).
  • File a Complaint with your state’s Department of Insurance
  • Hire an attorney to continue the negotiations for you; most people are not born negotiators.
If your car accident attorney reaches an impasse and is convinced your case has greater value than the insurance company is assigning it, that’s when you file a lawsuit against the negligent driver to have the court decide.

Note that if you are having trouble resolving a claim with your own insurance company, for example, an uninsured motorist claim or a collision claim where your vehicle was deemed a total loss, you also have options. You may not only file a complaint with the Department of Insurance, but you may sue your insurance company for Bad Faith. (See When You Can’t Resolve a Dispute With Your Insurance Company.) Be sure to hire an attorney who is well versed in insurance bad faith cases.For more related info visit www.ukhomemortgage.co.cc

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Free Insurance Claims Articles Exposed

You are entering a wild, untamed world when you want to obtain reliable information regarding insurance topics. After entering your search information you might find an author's article about a prospecting technique, claiming it will jumpstart your ability to get presentations. The next article you read tells you not to use that outdated technique to start with, Who is right?

Did you even wonder why there are so few books written about insurance? The answer is relatively simple. There are too few surviving agents that want to share their self learned techniques with the constantly revolving new agent base.

The insurance company reps are in a constant state of confusion. They are so brainwashed that little attention is given to information that will prolong their career and earn them some money. A lot of articles (about insurance leads and others) are written by a lead producing company wanting you to buy their product. Top authors put spreading tips and techniques first, and do not write their article like an advertisement.

Agents and marketers searching for insurance selling marketing articles have a hard time finding a good source. The source, which is often an article directory, might not even have a category for insurance, opting to go for the much broader finance category. The few sources that provide insurance related articles broken down in a dozen classifications know much about insurance. There may be a category for articles about the sale of umbrella policies, while insurance leads are completely overlooked.

Even when the number of insurance articles is expanded to 126 different areas, there will always be the exceptions not suited correctly for any of these choices. For this massive display of categorized information we first qualify the author’s knowledge ability to write accurate information. Even when our opinion may not be the same, you want your info fast and reliable without wading through all the insurance reports submitted on subjects that you are not the least bit interested in.

The authors of these articles come from a long range of qualifications. Write a quality article and you are reward. In the article bio, you direct the reader to visit your internet website and read about products and topics. A high caliber article with a attention grabbing headline makes your writing worthwhile. We turn down people who wrote an article that was not worth the paper that it was written on. If your article is a copy of someone
else's article, all your articles will be removed. We personally invite selected authors of high caliber to submit their insurance related articles to us. We accept articles by posting the articles first to the admin and the articles would be reviewed or posted by the admin using the author’s link.
For more info visit http://www.ukhomemortgage.co.cc