Monday, August 30, 2010

Pay As You Go Car Insurance

Pay as you go car insurance is a car insurance that is offered by Progressive Casualty Insurance Company. The car insurance program is available in 13 states in the United States. Policy holders are given a kind of tracking device, which they can plug into their cars. The tracking device will record the mileage of the vehicle. In addition, it will record the driving habits of the drivers such as breaking suddenly, speeding on the highway and etc.
The device acts just like a global positioning system and is able to detect the location of the car. Many people feel that the GPS system intrudes their privacy. However, if you want to save money, you should sign up for the program. The record is used to determine the rate of the auto insurance premium. Because it can track your car, you are able to control the premium rate. The ability to control the premium rate allows you to lower the overall insurance cost.
The insurance company may charge a different rate for day or nighttime driving. You have to check with the company to find out the rate. Normally, people who drive in the day time will be charged with a higher rate. This is because daytime driving has a high accident risk. Driving at the nighttime can help you to lower the car insurance premium rate and save money.
With pay as you go car insurance, you get a 10% discount for joining the program. If your car consistently has low mileage for one year, you will get a discount of up to 25%. Pay as you go insurance is suitable for people who own multiple cars. The requirement to maintain a low mileage can help you to reduce the petrol expenses significantly. Instead of driving to the nearby destination, you will choose other traveling methods such as walking or cycling. You can also contribute to reduce the air pollution caused by the emission of harmful carbon dioxide from the vehicles. The pay as you go car insurance can help young drivers aged in between 16 - 25 to get a lower premium. Young drivers are often charged with a high premium rates due to their higher risk level.
If you are struggling to pay your premium, you should consider pay as you go car insurance. It helps to make insurance affordable. Before signing up for the program, you should perform price comparison and compare the price between different companies.

Do you sparingly use your car these days? Why pay lots more, when all you need is a pay as u go car insurance scheme? For where to get pay as you go car insurance quotes, please visit

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